Thursday, March 3, 2011

Doubt can be a great thing

Alright, I couldn't stand to wait! I knew it'll be difficult for me to stick to posting consistently, but right now I just really want to post substantial things. Here goes with post #1:

I used to deal with skepticism when I was younger. This is why several things I post will be kind of apologetic-y. I do think it is interesting to consider what having doubts can do. Doubts are OK! Everybody has those nagging questions: do I have what it takes? Where did I really come from? What's my real purpose? Am I a waste of breathing air? Are all sins really equal in God's eyes because some seem to have greater consequences? Does God really love people if he allows them to go to Hell? Etc, etc, etc....
Doubts are good to have sometimes, because they motivate you. They fuel your abilities to learn more things, whether you begin on your own or you ask others or even beg God to reveal things to you the more you believe that He will. This happened to me. I am proud of the doubts I once had because now my faith is so much stronger.
We all know those "baby" zygote, fetus-whatever Christians that seem to know nothing about the God they claim, nor do they seem one bit impacted in their lives. These people usually are very black-and-white perceiving and their real religion is following what their mommy says rather than what God says. When people ask them questions, they respond with a whiny, "How dare you! You are sooo wrong!" or "Wow.. how could you not know?" Without actually knowing themselves. That's cliched but you know it's kind of true. I've seen it dozens of times. How are these people warriors for God? Their heart is what is important, but people grow in faith by allowing themselves to be curious. God desires for us to learn more about Him. James 4:8 says "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." To love someone is to know them, right? So try getting to know God EVEN more than you already do. I have to remind myself very often that there is still sooooo much that I do not know about our Creator and His wonder. That makes it all worthwhile; being so in love with God that you want to learn more, and growing in that love in the process. I still struggle hugely, so just know that if you ever struggle with seeking knowledge, so do I.

When you hear the questions, don't be afraid. I finally have not one doubt that if you earnestly ask God about it, "you shall receive" an answer (Luke 11:10-13 is an awesome set of verses that expand this concept) Do not be afraid to refer to extraneous sources, like books, internet, or other people. Ask your tough questions; chances are you will run into another who has had the exact same one!

I recommend a few sources:

Read the BIBLE: begin wherever you want. Search srcipture and see what it says for yourself

Ask a trusted minister: they have been educated and trained at least a little to answer your questions. If they do not know an answer, they can help you find a way TO answer it.

Refer to other books. There are countless books on all sorts of different topics. Plenty on theology. If you are interested in learning more about the philosophy of Christianity, try C.S. Lewis (Mere Christianity is brilliant!), or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Meaning of Everything by Douglas Adams (extremely neat insight that has stuck with me)

 For scientific questions: Remember that science and God are not enemies like they were in the Galilean times. You are not a heretic if you believe in laws of gravity! Investigate this, and think of how these things can originate. We can find out even more about God and his awesomeness through science. Try: Intelligent Design by William Dembski (or check out his blogs or articles), The Creation Museum Website (some facts are open for speculation, but the theories like of young Earth, are possible) or The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel.

Actually, check out ANY Lee Strobel book; they have helped me tremendously.

And last, try to have an open mind. If you go in narrowly one way or another, your tunnel vision is going to miss alot of information. Remember that God has not in any way been discredited; not by Darwinism, not by Big Bang (I'll be posting plenty on why I believe that supports existence of God), or by historical findings (that adds verification to the Bible itself) nor by medical science. There is still room for all of this to have originated from somewhere. See for yourself; if you want to believe, you can find plenty of reason to believe. If not, then no problem. God gave us free will so that we can choose whether to pursue Him or not, or to even believe in Him for that matter.


  1. And if any of these titles are interesting to you, I will be posting excerpts and summarizations from time to time. I want to share the awesome insight with all of you :)

  2. Enjoyed your post! So true...if we didn't ever doubt or were curious about things that were hard to understand, then I don't think we would ever really want to know more about theology and God. I have really been interested in studying apologetics lately...particularly the inspiration of the Bible and Creationism. I can't wait to read Mere Christianity...I have been wanting to read it for a long time. I am on spring break now, so maybe I can do alot of reading I haven't had time to do. haha :P
